Sunday, October 28, 2007

So far the new plants seem happy.... does all the grass and the nasty little clover like crap that's coming up like no tomorrow now that we've had more moisture in the air.

At least at lot of the poppy seeds seem to have sprouted.

The sky is finally blue today after all the smoke from the fires.

On the inside of the house:

One (yes, one) window is painted. Five more to go. We're going to try and get them all primed today -- four of the five windows are the double hung windows which aren't as hard to tape and paint (there's a lot less to them than the 9-paneled casement windows).

Today, then, is dedicated to weeding and priming.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Native shade garden

Our shade garden is located on the north side of the house, contained by the dining alcove wall, the east wall of the garage, the oleanders that line the north edge of the space, and the stairs to the front porch.

We have an unidentified pine tree, two camellias, and the oleanders remaining from the original landscaping; I removed the jade plants and listed them for free on Craigslist and Redondo Freecycle.

Last spring we planted some Heuchara spp, and they're doing fine.

This week we planted more Heuchara, a hybrid iris, Rhamnus, Ribes, Fragaria, wild ginger, and Dutchman's pipe.

I would like to do a bird bath in this area, and maybe a mosaic or mural on the garage wall.

Eventually I'd like to replace the oleanders and camellias but I'm not sure if Dave will let me.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Yard Oct 07

Yard Oct 07
Originally uploaded by stephannie_t.
Quick update: We went to the plant sales this past weekend. Bought lots.

I also reviewed what made it, what didn't make it, and diagrammed the different sections of our yard for easy reference (not that I'm anal or anything).

I'll follow up with detaiils.