Friday, August 17, 2007

Recent tomato harvest!

Originally uploaded by stephannie_t.
This is some of what I picked after we returned from a week's vacation in Sonoma (I did the Barb's Race half-iron distance tri).

window & weight/pulley system

Close up of one of the windows in the cat room showing the ropes for the pulleys. Nifty.

Yolo Air 2

Yolo Air 2
Originally uploaded by stephannie_t.
We still have to finish painting the kitchen, but here's a pic with one finished wall.

New living room windows!

windows living room
Originally uploaded by stephannie_t.
Aren't they gorgeous? We still have to paint them, and I still need to modify the curtains. I have some antique swing curtain rods I'm thinking of using.

You can call me.....the tomato bunny.

As opposed to the Easter bunny.

I left some Green Zebra on one of our neighbor's front steps, and Dave was quick to say, 'Look! It's the Tomato Bunny!'

I've also been bringing them to work. One of the clinics greatly appreciates them. The other clinic, well, one of the receptionists screamed (yes, screamed, and not in a pleased, happy squealy sort of way) at my 'alien' tomatos. Guess which clinic gets more tomatos.

We've been inundated with tomatos, especially the Green Zebra, to the point they're becoming Orang-y Green Zebras on the vine because they're so ripe and I can only pick so many at once. Still tasty. The Cherokee and the Brandywine are delicious but are scarily large. Part of one is enough for a tasty tomato and mozzarella salad.

The zuchini is still happily producing. The squash is doing so-so, which is okay because I realized I'm not especially fond of the pale green patty-pan type of squash. I like yellow squash.

I'm trying to decide what I want to plant for the winter. Brocolli? Chard? Lettuce? Winter squash?